Friday, April 9, 2010

Your thoughts on Endwar demo?

I thought it was pretty fun. Hella confusing at first though.Your thoughts on Endwar demo?
I found it to be alot of fun. Its a rather good strategy game that can take quite sometime to win. My longest Match-37 Minutes, Shortest-59 Seconds. Everytime I play it I learn something new. I would RecommendedYour thoughts on Endwar demo?
It's very different from what I'm used to (top down RTS) but not once you get used to the controls.
Didn't really like it. Don't ask me why, just didn't. Maybe because I sucked at it.I'll wait for Halo Wars
I really like the voice control options, but the gameplay just doesn't hold up for me.
[QUOTE=''capthavic'']It's very different from what I'm used to (top down RTS) but not once you get used to the controls.[/QUOTE] I'm surprised how easy it is even without voice commands (my headset found the perfect time to crap out on me...).
its kind of techinical at first but once u start playing it, it gets easy. i might get this game after it comes out. i'm trying to save money since most of my games i havn't finished.
Very fiddly, I can see it being great but not top of my list to buy, I think they are bringing it out at the wrong time...far too much competition.
I still haven't downloaded the demo. I already played the beta and I saw the demo was a pretty big d/l, I decided to save it for later.

I'm interested to see what they've changed.
Amazing yet too short

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