Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mass Effect team leveling???

How do I level up my team? I noticed on the squad menu section that just like my character they have a leveling system, but they never get points to level up... or gain new abilities. Do I need to switch modes or something? the reason I ask is, I have come across some weapon lockers that I can't open due to low decryption skills... How do I gain decryption skills? This is my first RPG, and i'm absolutely loving it, but obviously there's still a few things I need to learn. Thanks in advance.Mass Effect team leveling???
When you're out an about with your team (not on the Normandy), go to ''Squad'' in the menu, then use triggers to cycle through your teammates. You can assign unused skill points there. And yeah, always make sure you have a near-maxed Electronics and Decryption somewhere in your team selection.Mass Effect team leveling???
Thanks for the advice...
From the sound of it you are still on Eden Prime. Every time you level up, so do your squad mates, and even if you get XP while on your own (for instance on the Normandy) you will still be able to level up your squad mates the next time you team up with them.When looking at their character skill screen there is an option to auto-assign skill points. This can be handy for beginners, but what you will get is a jack of all trades master of none. As Palantas said, get electronics and decryption high on one of your squad mates and it will make things a lot easier as you go through the game, and get you a lot of extra items.With weapons, if you picked default Shepard, you will be able to train in any weapon. Weapons get better the more points you put in them, so if you focus on one or two you will become very good with them. The sniper rifle for instance is very unstable with only a couple of points in it, and hard to hit stuff at range. With 12 (max) points in it, it becomes very stable doing a lot of damage.
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