Sunday, April 11, 2010

Favorite 360 RPG....Fable 2, Mass Effect ...

...Favorite 360 RPG....Fable 2, Mass Effect ...
Mass Effect by farFavorite 360 RPG....Fable 2, Mass Effect ...
I've only played Oblivion and Fable 2, Fable 2 owns Oblivion
Mass effect gets very repetitive very quickly, so Oblivion which is obviously flawed in many ways but does have a fun and novel story. Haven't played Fable 2 but if it has the quality of gameplay from the first am sure it'll trump both.
Tales of Vesperia.'s a great game. Although I intend to play Fallout 3 after that, then Mass Effect and Fable 2. it's a long time coming, but that's the plan.

I bought Tales of Vesperia day one, but haven`t had the time to play it yet. Mass Effect was really good, but the gameplay felt very awkward at times. My vote goes for Lost Odyssey. It may be relatively linear and has some slow-down issues, but the story and storytelling was amazing and that is what I look for in an RPG.
Mass Effect leads Oblivion by a very slight margin because of its story. I bought Fable II yesterday and it has been very... ''meh'' for me so far. It's a great game, but nothing spectacular, but I guess that's just because it's the beginning. Combat is really simplistic and easy plus I thought Albion would be more... interesting. The game stresses the fact that you shouldn't follow the yellow path but I can run around for hours with my dog and not hit any dungeons or other points of interest for a very long time. The expressions system is funny at first, but I can't get a wife right away because apparently takes awhile to get money to buy a house for them to stay in, I don't have enough money for any property yet. I repeat, it may just be a slow start, I haven't played the game for more then 2 hours. On topic, Oblivion has the best environments and depth I have seen in a game but the story is lacking. Plus in combat, there is no strategy, run up to an enemy and mash RT and RB three or four times. Mass Effect wins because of its amazing story. Also, if you play on the hard difficulty, and you don't use your squadmates/weapons/cover/abilities properly, you will die. And although Mass Effect is more linear, there are some amazing settings there as well (Virmire, Citadel).
I loved Mass Effect. I had Oblivion on PC, but I wasn't to impressed with it. Everything seemed the same after awhile. I did like the Dark Brotherhood quests though. Havn't played fable 2 because I'm waiting for a price drop on that one.
Good Question..........Ive had allot of fun with all three couldn't pick just one......they are all so different!
Oblivion. I haven't played Fable 2. Mass Effect does seem like an RPG to me. It seems like a shooter and a poor RPG.
Mass Effect - I dont think ive played a game with a better story.
I haven't got a chance to play Fable 2 yet (im waiting for fallout 3 to come out so I can decide between them). Right now though my favorite is Mass Effect. Oblivion was great too, but it got repetitive really fast and had a bland story. Mass Effect has one of the best stories I've ever seen in any game and the conversations are even fun by themselves. And the combat is amazing too. This is completely unrelated but I wanna help this guy out...
Right now Oblivion but I have Mass Effect but have not really played it and Im buying Fable 2 when I get my xbox 360 back from repair
fable 2
[QUOTE=''simo98088''] Mass Effect - I dont think ive played a game with a better story. [/QUOTE] I agree completely I just got Fable 2 yesterday and while its in my top ten now in no way is it better than Mass Effect, and Oblvivion was probably the glitchiest game i've ever played
I haven't played Fable 2 yet. As it stands, my favorite RPG on 360 is Mass Effect, by far.
Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect and Tales Of Vesperia are the best rpgs on the 360 imo. All 3 are quite epic imo.
Fable 2 > Mass Effect > Oblivion, imho.
[QUOTE=''GangstaDeluxe'']...[/QUOTE] Oblivion,followed by Mass Effect (for pc)
Lost odyssey and Tales of vesperia.

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