How many hours do u think u will put into playing Fallout 3? and how many times do u think u will complete the game?Fallout 3 How Many Hours?
I can see myself putting as many hours into this as I have Oblivion... 500+ and still going.As they've said you won't be able to see everything in one play then all the better for multiple plays, and with achievements for passing levels at three different karma types thats at least three runs through.Fallout 3 How Many Hours?
Over 100 hours and maybe 2 play throughs.
Its suppose to have a longer campaign then Oblivion. Weither or not it has more side quests im not sure.Should be a fun game im hoping (massive fan of fallout 1 and 2.If its anything like fallout 1 or 2 then its up to the player how long the game is. You could rip thru those ones in a few hours if you just skipped alot of stuff and what not. But then you could also do what i did and check out each city and do all the side missions aswell and it can last up to 300 hours with multiple playthroughs.
This'd be a game that could last me over 1,000 hours if I really took my time altogether.I'm planning to get all achievements (did on Oblivion, this deserves it too) which requires multiple playthroughs so I'm expecting over 250+ hours. I'd probably get more if I kept going but there is other games and I've got limited time as it is.
more than 100 hours and maybe more than 3 gameplays
10 hours, 2 playthroughs, Im reall good at games.
[QUOTE=''tomservo51'']10 hours, 2 playthroughs, Im reall good at games.[/QUOTE]Youd be foolish to play thru a fallout game in 5 hours man, youd be missing so much :? Why skip all the sidequests just to finisht he main quest in a hurry?:roll:
200 hours. Probably only 1 time through.
With the right start and knowing what to do you could beat it in 75 mins. Bethesda had their in office speed run competion and the winner beat it in 75 minutes.
200 hours and maybe 2 or 3 playthroughs dependes how much content there is after the game besides alternate quests and what not but I could play this over and over again just like how I've invested over 60 hours in Mass Effect and played through 2 playthroughs and now I'am on my 3rd one.
i'd say 50+, possibly 1 playthrough - with long games i tend to stop with the main story then begin to drift off until i've forgotten about the game...
I plan on spending as many hours as it takes to do and see everything in this awesome game.
atleast over 400+ hours for me, this is goonna be a big one!
I'd say 100+ hours. I just can't wait to get to ten-penny tower. Oh yea, traveling to different locations and the gorgeous environments is what makes this game amazing. The killing is absolutely insane, it never gets old. Due to this, this game is just epic!
A lot of time. The way I play I'll end up doing every side quest in every town before wanting to complete the story.In Morrowind I'd reached Level 73 before meeting up with the guy to start the main plot quest. If I'm not forced to start the main quest I will go and find plenty of stuff to do by myself :)
[QUOTE=''Quintinius''] This'd be a game that could last me over 1,000 hours if I really took my time altogether.I'm planning to get all achievements (did on Oblivion, this deserves it too) which requires multiple playthroughs so I'm expecting over 250+ hours. I'd probably get more if I kept going but there is other games and I've got limited time as it is.[/QUOTE] glad ive got a few months to play this, then a few more after that. i dont buy a lot of games so im glad to hear this is going to last me a while. im also on a limited time budget so this is welcome news
[QUOTE=''PhoenixVenom'']How many hours do u think u will put into playing Fallout 3? and how many times do u think u will complete the game?[/QUOTE]I heard a 100hrs, I will only beat it once there..(too many games comming out)
im planin on putting in as much time as i can with it. just gunna have to find a way do divide my time up between this and gears 2. ill figure it out i always do. i like todo everything i can in games and find as much stuff to do, i likes to takes my time
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