Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Saints row online community..*ahem*

I played around 3 games online after picking the game up today, everyone there was swearing, using the F and N words like commas, and anytime anyone spoke someone made fun of their accent. Saints row was mindless fun (especially the RIDICULOUS pimp slap) and i'm really enjoying SP and Co-op, but MP to have a godawful community The Saints row online community..*ahem*
[QUOTE=''JJpenguin''] I played around 3 games online after picking the game up today, everyone there was swearing, using the F and N words like commas, and anytime anyone spoke someone made fun of their accent. Saints row was mindless fun (especially the RIDICULOUS pimp slap) and i'm really enjoying SP and Co-op, but MP to have a godawful community [/QUOTE] SR has always had a terrible community. You have to wait until the next big MP 360 game comes out so that all 12 and 13 year olds migrate to that game.I remember playing SR 1 when it came out and hearing guys with Arabic Accents butcher tupac songs...I waited about a month and got back on and all of a sudden even spoke nomrally and there was very little racism going on.The Saints row online community..*ahem*
There will always be little kids that will always be known as wanna be gangsters they're to scared to do it in the real world so they try to act hard showing off to no one in games making them selves look like rude ignorant little pigs.
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no surprise here. Really, it isnt.
saints row 2 online where true thugs kick it

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