Friday, April 9, 2010

Should I get a 360 if I own a Ps3?

I was wondering if I should get a 360. I have a PS3 and there's only a few games that I do like that is only coming to the 360. Should I get the arcade console (since I can get a 20 gig hd for $20). For a system I may buy 2 or 3 games for, it's it worth it? Please keep in mind I'm only looking at this from a gaming aspect not for the extra stuff (Nextflix, XBNA, etc,.)Should I get a 360 if I own a Ps3?
I think it just comes down to ''Are you afraid if it breaks''. I love the stuff that's on the 360, so I say go for it. Should I get a 360 if I own a Ps3?
Yeah 360's are quite cheap now and there are sooo many great games already and lots more coming out. If you buy new you'll get a nice long warranty and you can buy extra warranty really cheap.
The main titles that caught my eye for the last few years have been the Gears series and now Fable 2. If those are the only games I get, would it justify a 360?
I got my 360 after I got my PS3, i only own the games that only come out on 360 like Condemned: Criminal Origins, Halo 3, Fable 2, BioShock (at the time), and dead rising. I'd say go for it, I think the online community is a little more challenging than on the ps3 for games like COD and stuff like that
Yes. Trust me, having both consoles is awesome especially in the holiday season.
the 360 is quite cheap now and there are SO many good games out for it that arent out for the ps3
Thanks guys. I guess I may be getting a 360 soon. I'm trading in my DS lite to take away some of the price (my dad and sis have a DS so I can still play my DS games).
Id say go for it. Once you accutaly have one youll realize a ton of great games that you want.
If you got the $ sure but, with games like Resistance 2 and LBP coming I'd be inclined to tell you to put your $ there. I own both and only had my PS3 for about 7 months and really havn't touched my 360 since. Everyone has their own opinions though and the 360 does have some good exclusives. Just make sure you get a warranty. I would highly suggest buying from a store with a replacement plan so you don't have to deal with shipping it in for repair and getting a refurb. Also if your going to get a 360 you would be better off getting the pro with the 60 gig HD just my opinion though.
Well, yes it is worth it. Chances are, more games will probably come to it that you like. If you are talking about replacing your PS3 with an Xbox 360, I do not recommend it.
Probely not, because all you would get is xbox live, mass effect, halo 3, and gears of war 1 and 2. Xbox live costs money though.
Owning both consoles is over rated if you ask me. Just stick with the PS3 and save your money...or buy more ps3 stuff.
i think you should get a 360 and i bet you wont put it down, but thats me:)
obviously, xbox exclusives are the best games
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