Hey man. I bought an elite. The 120gb is more than enough. I agree that black is the way forward. Plus it's got HDMI. I've had mine for just ove r ayear and never had a single problem with it.So you're getting my thumbs up for an elite. As for games some of the new ones getting released are well worth checking out. old ones.... the darkness, bioshock, condemned 1 %26 2, mass effect, Never really been a huge fan of halo3 but folks go crazy for that. But gears of war 2 should be selling you a 360 on its own :)getting an elite?
If you got the cash, why not go for the elite. With the new update you can put games on the hard drive, and you can fit more music and stuff. and its sexier, heres mine when i first got it :PGames YOU SHOULD GET:Fallout 3Fable 2Gears of War 2Pick up a used copy of Mass Effect.
I am also in the market to buy an Elite.I want to be able to load my most played games right onto the hard drive and download movies via Netflix when that becomes available.The black will also fit in very nicely with other components in the entertainment center. The thing that is holding me back right now is that all the Elites that I have seen have been sitting on the stores shelves for some time. I am waiting for newer Elites to become available. These will have a newer, faster and more reliable chip set and motherboard in them. I really don't want to deal with the RROD problem that has been a problem with the current 360s.
thanks for the feedback guys. looks like im getting a 360 lol, should be good, ive heard the elites dont get rrod but we'll see lol, om kinda scarded cause my brothers 360 pro rrod a few weeks ago lolbut look forward to playin some kickass games, the nxe should be awesome, lookin forward to how that turns out aswell.thanks again ppls, cya online!
I think you should get a pro, do you really need a elite? But then again you did say you wanted to spoil yourself so spoil away..just make sure you get the most out of it.
[QUOTE=''ScootyPuff'']HDMI[/QUOTE] All of the current models have HDMI......
Yes get the elite. It looks better and you'll appeciate the HDD space.
ya i have an elite, and i bought mine about 10 months ago. I have no problems with the RROD. No weird sounds or anything. Couldn't be more happier with it.
If you've got the money get the elite then get it. I've had mine for a while now and no problems what so ever.Also Get a copy of Mass effect, really quite an enjoyable, fun game.
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